The Diocesan Pastoral Assembly: Diocese of San Carlos

A recent gathering in the Diocese of San Carlos buzzed with the energy of Catholic faith. Clergy and laypeople from across the diocese came...

Palms Waving, Hearts Open: Celebrating Palm Sunday with the Catholic Community

For Catholics around the world, Palm Sunday is more than just a day off before Easter. It's a vibrant celebration, a bittersweet mix of...

A Call to Serve: The Solemnity of Presbyteral Ordination

For a Catholic man discerning a vocation to the priesthood, the day of Presbyteral Ordination marks a profound transformation. It's a ceremony steeped in...

Celebrating 36 Years of Faith and Service: The Diocese of San Carlos Marks a...

The Diocese of San Carlos, Philippines, is commemorating its 36th anniversary this year, marking a significant milestone in its journey of fostering faith and...

The Sacrament of Confession: A Path to Spiritual Renewal

Confession, also known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation, stands as a sacred cornerstone of the Catholic faith, offering believers a profound opportunity for spiritual...

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