The Way of the Cross: A Sacred Journey for St. John Mary Vianney Seminary...

At St. John Mary Vianney Seminary College, Inc., seminarians embark on an annual tradition known as the Way of the Cross—a profound spiritual practice...

Insights on Spiritual Warfare: A Recollection Session with Rev. Msgr. Erwin Magnanao

The St. John Mary Vianney Seminary College community recently had the honor of welcoming Rev. Msgr. Erwin Magnanao, the Vicar General, as the guest...

A Celebration of Light: Honoring the Feast of the Lady of Candles and World...

February brings with it two beautiful celebrations in the Christian faith: The Feast of the Lady of Candles, also known as Candlemas Day, and...

Does Jesus Want to Heal Me? Unraveling Faith, Hope, and the Power of Belief

The question of divine healing has resonated throughout history, touching the hearts of countless individuals facing illness, pain, and hardship. Whether you're deeply religious,...

Finding Renewal in a Busy World: Why the Lenten Season Still Matters Today?

As we navigate the fast-paced world of today, filled with constant distractions and demands, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly...

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